EVEN IF EVERYTHING these paths below were just and perfect for us to grow, And are still just and perfect for those on the way, those who seek a truth beyond the TRUTHS ...

 I propose you to look beyond for those who ask the question ... 

BEYOND THE BELIEFS to which they have attached, 

BEYOND the story to which we refer, BEYOND the external knowledge of books written by the patriarchate ... 

Beyond religions, philosophies, psychoanalysis, Shamanism, "channels", magic, mediums, rituals, the New Age environment, Taoist traditions, Buddhist traditions, hidden teachings, Encoded, occult, astral travel, vision of the third eye, gurus, teachings from all ancestral horizons originating in an essentially PATRIARCAL source, 

Beyond Innamaar, Jeanne-d'Arc, Jesus, Mary, Mary Magdalene, Diana Lucifera, Venus, Inanna, Ishtar, Isis or many beings on the way stopped moving forward, 

Beyond ... there is the story where other almost unknown characters emerge from a distant past traced in the mesopotamian cuneiform platelets translated by the author Anton Parks on the one hand, and on the other hand by myself, Living from the inside one of the personages whose original tint I bear, which has re-emerged in my heart, in my memory to allow me to transcend the vicissitudes of this distant past retracing the origin of the duality of our world. .. Inniniar, Nurea, Barbelu, Piste, Suhia, (Pistis Sophia), Enki and Ialdaboth, Enlil, The worthy representatives of the original Matriarchy and the original dual patriarchy. 

I now OFFER YOU you to DARE to look beyond the history of the "beings" embodied in their limitation of the time, to encounter a higher plane characterizing an ORIGINAL TRUTH in the balance. 

I PROPOSE to GO OVER ALL these characters to go back to this SOURCE: 


...with a new vision on every thing that essentially talks to me to establish ...

 ... of BALANCING POLARITIES in it self

Through the encounter and understanding of the two great founding principles of life, merged together, forming more than an ALL manifesting harmony .. 
To approach the CREATION as two magnificent principles that revolve around the original "one", thus forming the three: The process of creation that manifests itself.


are teachings to share in a whole NEW CONSCIOUSNESS 
which emerges in the whole world 

Each one is the bearer of this consciousness and expresses its color like a rainbow that unfolds ... 

On the whole, I share my experiences of what the GOAL of LIFE really is :  


 I share my AWARENESS, my WAY that brought me to the opening of the HEART / JOY / TRUTH in BALANCING MY POLARITIES I share in all my CONSCIENCE, which through my eyes, take on a new dimension, a new nature, another way of seeing every thing in the BALANCE.

THE SPIRIT and the MATTER finally united in itself Giving rise to the UNIVERSAL ANDROGYNE BEING

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