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The "UNITE FLOWER" CARDS are now available!  See more images in the "MAPS" tab of this blog.

PRICE : 20 € + (shipping : depend of your country)






L’ÉVOLUTION, par définition, c'est le CHANGEMENT.

« Comme l'ère du VERSEAU succède à l'ère du POISSON, 
Comme le RENOUVEAU succède à l'ANCIEN » 
La FLEUR de l'UNITE succède à la FLEUR de VIE ».

  La FLEUR de l'UNITE est la forme vibratoire de l'unité des polarités en soi, par les voies du principe féminin que j'expérimente et conscientise depuis 2012, suite à l'éveille de ma kundalini, lors d'un tour du monde totalement guidé en quête du féminin divin.

Cette structure corresponds aux nouveaux principes fondateurs de la vie, des cycles et de l'évolution de notre humanité. L'observer me permet de comprendre comment nous passons progressivement du chaos vers l'harmonie. La fleur de l'unité est la CREATION elle-même, en perpétuel processus d'expansion et d'unité à l'image d'une expiration et d'une inspiration.

Dans ces observations, je découvre des anomalies dans la FLEUR de VIE, tel une carte génomique ayant été manipulée, à l'image de l'ADN d'une humanité bridée. 

La FLEUR de l'UNITE vient comme un baume, nous libérer de cet enfermement. Elle est l'ATOME PRIMORDIAL originel, reconstitué dans le « BON ORDRE », ouvrant enfin les portes de l'unité en soi, évoquant le retour à la pleine conscience, la joie, la fluidité, la guérison, la régénérescence, la vérité, la réalisation de soi.   

Un retour à l'HARMONIE en soi, pour ceux qui choisiront d'emprunter les voies de la Déesse, qui est un chemin d'unité par la TRANSFORMATION, l'acceptation, la vérité, la pleine sagesse, la connaissance de soi et des univers qui nous entourent. 

Christelle LISCI - LIXI



BOOKS in french langage for the moment

(if somebody in USA or in UK want to edit this book in english langage.. Welcome)

"DIEU le Père, c'est la Déesse Mère, ce principe androgyne qui a été inversé.

Cerveau droit et cerveau gauche enfin équilibré."

"GOD the Father is the Mother Goddess, this androgynous principle that has been reversed. Right brain and left brain finally balanced. "

20 €+  (shipping)

  Book summary

 "God the Father is the Mother Goddess, this androgynous principle that has been reversed. What does that mean? This simply means that CREATION is an ANDROGYNE principle containing both polarities. However, their respective attributes were reversed throughout the era of the fish, a predominantly patriarchal period. Contrary to what has been said for millennia through religions, philosophical and esoteric currents, the feminine principle, the Mother Goddess, in the image of a woman who gives birth, is in reality the Source of all things , The original principle from which the masculine originates, limitation, its principle of manifestation. This notion is fundamental to every enlightened person in search of unity per se. The masculine is not what you believe! The feminine is not what you believe! The union of the two is not what you believe! Crystal explains these inversions in parallel with the functioning of our right brain and left brain, which are the words of our original double nature. On this path she gives a new definition to matriarchy, discovers a new flower of life which she has called the flower of unity, our unitary geometrical form which she assimilates to black holes or twists. 

A balanced creative form of all harmonious life."

  Christelle LISCI




Social networks internet 



La Marche Intérieure



20 €+  shipping costs

 Book summary

"Daring to realize his deepest dreams and aspirations opens us to the dimension of our Divine being. Cristal takes the step of its greatest dream: to go around the world. In this realization she discovers what she is, how she works, and what she is going to. The spasms to empathy, the Ark of the Covenant to the transmutation of patriarchy to matriarchy, god to the goddess, from the visible to the invisible. In search of the sacred feminine, she discovers her bond with the earth Mother Gaia, the mother source, the cosmic mother. And you? Who are you? Where are you going? Self-knowledge allows the opening of consciousness, and therefore of the collective consciousness. Changing the world begins with change in one's own inner world. It is time to reveal yourself to change consciences. It is time to abandon the old beliefs, to abrogate our chains, and to free ourselves completely to live what is coming. And what are you waiting for ?"

Christelle LISCI

The paper version is exhausted and too expensive because in color, I now offer a CD version  
(Only in French version)
10 € + 3 € shipping costs 

The paper version is exhausted and too expensive because in color, I now offer a CD version  
(Only in French version) 
10 € + 3 € shipping costs



The paper version is exhausted and too expensive because in color, I now offer a CD version  
(Only in French version) 
10 € + 3 € shipping costs


on the basis of my own paintings realized under the action of the kundalini

20 €+  shipping costs

*A game dedicated to work with your male polarity, movement, physical body, matter. 


*A game dedicated to work with your feminine polarity : CONSCIENESS, awareness, clarity, wisdom.

20 €+  shipping costs



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